KAYO SHINBU's profile

36 days of type - Illustrations 2023

In the 36 Days of Type for 2022, I created monochromatic artwork with a theme centered around people and animals. 
Therefore, for 2023, I decided to focus on subjects other than human figures. 
This time, I envisioned and created a series of fictional factories and machines that produce various items, inspired by words associated with the alphabet. I invite you to imagine and enjoy what might be produced by these factories and machines.
I plan to take on a different theme for next year! It was a really enjoyable challenge. 
Thank you very much for following along until the end! I also have the monochromatic versions uploaded on Instagram, 
so please take a look. If you have any requests or suggestions for next year's theme, feel free to message me.

Please feel free to contact us for work consultations and requests!
Email or DM is also available. Please feel free to contact us for an estimate.

36 days of type - Illustrations 2023


36 days of type - Illustrations 2023

The 36 Days of Type for 2023 was created using lowercase letters and three colors.If you have any requests or suggestions for next year's theme, Read More
